The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that children get regular eye exams because pediatric vision problems are common — in fact, one in four children will have difficulty learning because of vision difficulties. Early and frequent eye exams are the best way to prevent this. Vision screenings are not a substitute for a comprehensive Vision and Eye Health Evaluation by an eye care professional.

Some conditions in children can make it more likely that they will experience vision problems. These conditions include:
Certain medical conditions
Premature birth or complications during pregnancy or delivery
Turned or crossed eyes
Eye injury
Developmental delays
Family history of eye issues/wearing glasses
Significant amounts of screen time and little time spent outdoors

We welcome young patients at Chic Eyes. During the exam, Dr. Ng will:
Evaluate your child’s eyes for overall health and any eye conditions
Assess eye synchronicity, focusing and tracking
Provide an eyeglass prescription if needed
Discuss the results of the exam, measures you can take to preserve your child’s eye health, and options for vision correction (including glasses, contact lenses, vision therapy, and myopia control)
Answer any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s vision
All children ages 0-19 are eligible for a once-yearly eye exam through OHIP.
Please bring the following to your child’s appointment
Your child’s current glasses